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Dedicated To Changing The World One Poster At A Time

“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”
Mother Teresea
Welcome to the Star Poster Program

Solomon said, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” If this is an affirmed belief, then whatever immediate and long term objectives any of us perceive in our endeavors to improve environments, must include strategies encompassing the total spectrum of a communities’ existence at all economic strata, classes, subcultures, and age levels, particularly the young. What will lead toward a better community where all will benefit is a collaborative altruism involving individuals, organizations, business, and government in the stewardship of cultural, education, and economic ideologies.

The Star Poster Program is designed to be a collaborative altruism involving individuals, organizations, and businesses. It teaches kids  how to create posters by employing the Elements of Art, along with words and graphics, to successfully create immediate and long term emotional and intellectual impacts in the minds of others in light of social and environmental responsibilities. Peer influence has been recognized for affecting behavior and is an important part of this system. Ultimately, the goal of this program is to aid children in making a committed effort toward the improvement of not just the local, regional, or national, but  also the greater collective global community. Consequently, in relation to Solomon’s statement, when these youth mature into adulthood, their concerns, ethics,  and activism will be permanent attributes.

For some, art does not exist merely to entertain and gratify: it must edify. It must improve our collective existence. So long as there are wrongs to be righted, ugly social conditions requiring change, art must participate in the development of attitudes, which can lead eventually to better societies.
(Feldman, 1973)
This is a profound function of posters. The Star Poster Program teaches children to create posters for kids (and adults) in light of social responsibility.  The ultimate goal of the Star Poster Program is to help children in effectively communicating their visual voices while making a commitment, attestation, and effort toward the improvement of our collective global society.
Another major focus of this program is for educators to help teach some of the basic Elements and Principles of Design.
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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